Albion - Introducing you to the Albion sectors, which will play a key role in X Rebirth.New sectors are an essential part of any new X game. Other - Other gamestarts are available in which you do not participate directly in the war.War - Two new gamestarts allow you to choose which side of the war you want to be on.FaceTrackNoIR - Additional support for a web-cam using free FaceTrackNoIR software.Ī selection of gamestarts to suit your style of play.TrackIR - Support for TrackIR hardware in two axes by default, with customisation available to use the third.Head tracking support takes immersion to a whole new level. Windowed Mode - Wider selection of windowed mode resolutions, which can be customised.View Distance - New settings for higher-end systems, to show more detail at longer distances.
New graphics options to make space even more spectacular.
It assumes that you are familiar with X3: Terran Conflict and its features, either through having played it or having read the manual. This Survival Guide tells you all you need to know about what is new and different in X3: Albion Prelude. This Survival Guide is also available in PDF format from our Downloads section.